新潟大学医学部第三解剖学教室 | 論文
- The Taste Bud and Its Innervation in the Rat as Studied by Immunohistochemistry for PGP 9.5
- 骨芽細胞, 骨細胞, 破骨細胞の形と働き-骨形成・骨吸収の走査電顕解剖学
- 原子間力顕微鏡によるヒト角膜と強膜コラーゲン細線維の観察
- コラーゲン細線維の観察 (特集 原子間力顕微鏡)
- 走査プローブ顕微鏡による生体試料観察の現状
- Three-dimensional Ultrastructure of the Perivascular Space in the Rat Thymus
- Occurrence of Subtypes of Gustatory Cells in Cat Circumvallate Taste Buds
- A Possibility of Efferent Innervation of the Gustatory Cell in the Rat Circumvallate Taste Bud
- Regional Differences of CGRP-Immunoreactive Nerve Fibers in Nasal Epithelium of the Rat
- 腸上皮細胞の細胞死(アポトーシス)に関わるマクロファージと上皮内リンパ球
- Growth of Collagen Fibrils Produced by Human Osteosarcoma Cells : High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Detection of Mineral Density on the Surface of Mouse Parietal Bones : Backscattered Electron Imaging of Low Accelerating Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy
- A Histological Study of the Cardiac Muscle of the Human Superior and Inferior Venae Cavae
- Elimination of Apoptotic Granulosa Cells by Intact Granulosa Cells and Macrophages in Atretic Mature Follicles of the Guinea Pig Ovary
- Perinatal Changes in Bovine SEGI's Caps with Special Reference to Their Endocrine Cells Migrating into the Lamina Propria
- The Process of Apoptosis in Follicular Epithelial Cells in the Rabbit Ovary, with Special Reference to Involvement by Macrophages