放射線医学総合研究所海洋放射生態学研究部 | 論文
- クローンヒラメを用いたRI濃縮実験の試み
- 放射性同位体法による青森県沖ヒラメの日間摂餌率の推定
- Accumulation of 65Zn by Octopus Octopus vulgaris
- 放射性核種の人体への移行における海水と堆積物の役割〔英文〕
- Accumulation of Co by Abalone I-Effect of chemical form
- Amounts of Trace Elements in Marine Cephalopods
- マハゼによる95Zrおよび95Nbの蓄積と排出〔英文〕
- Comparison of Influences of Sediments and Sea Water on Accumulation of Radionuclides by Marine Organisms
- Distribution of Radionuclides among Green Alga, Marine Sediments and Sea Water
- Radioecology of 60Co in Urazoko Bay : Correlation between Levels of 60Co in Sargassoes and Marine Sediments
- 堆積物と海水からの海産多毛類への115mCdの移行の比較〔英文〕
- Infiuences of Marine Sediment on the Accumulation of Radionuclides by Green Alga (ulva pertusa)
- 海産生物のストロンチウムの蓄積-2-日本沿岸の海産生物中のストロンチウム-90レベルについて〔英文〕
- Cesium-137 Contents in Japanese Diet from 1963 to 1971
- Cesium-137 Contamination of Marine Fishes from The Coasts of Japan
- Accumulation of Strontium and Calcium in Freshwater Fishes of Japan
- The Loss of Radionuclides in Marine Organisms during Thermal Decomposition
- 海洋生物中のウランの濃度と濃縮係数
- 海産魚によるCoの蓄積〔英文〕
- Temperature Effect on the Concentration of Radionuclides by Marine Organisms