摂南大学理工学部基礎理工学機構 | 論文
- 12pSD-8 Dynamical generation of gauge groups in the massive Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons matrix model(素粒子論領域)
- 27aYD-10 Perturbative dynamics of fuzzy spheres at large N
- 28pSL-8 Monte-Carlo studies of the 4d supersymmetric reduced model with the Chern-Simons term
- 30aZF-8 Nonperturbative studies of higher-dimensional fuzzy-spheres in the matrix model(素粒子論)
- 9aSC-9 Quantum fluctuation of higher-dimensional fuzzy-sphere solutions of a matrix model
- 25aSD-8 OPE between the energy-momentum tensor and the Wilson loop in N=4 Super-Yang-Mills theory
- 22aSB-12 Supermatrix Models
- 9-337 呼応度を用いた授業の分析(1) : 呼応度の定義と授業での測定結果((13)教育評価・自己点検・評価システム-II)
- 22pSF-7 非可換ADHM構成法とインスタントン数の起源(可積分系,ソリトン,素粒子論領域)