成尾整形外科病院 | 論文
- 官民の緊急避難的対応の中での開業医の実態とIC
- 私達の使用している頚椎装具 : N式頚椎装具
- 骨粗鬆症治療における骨代謝マーカーの比較 : TRACP-5bと血清NTX
- シンポジウム 岡山県臨床整形外科医会の要望(第2報)アンケートを基に
- 当院における80歳以上の高齢者脊椎手術に対する検討 (西日本脊椎研究会 特集号) -- (80歳以上の脊椎疾患の治療戦略)
- TRACP-5b検体の安定性に関する問題点についての検討
- Clinical Study of Surgically Treated Lumbar Disc Herniation in the Aged.
- Evaluation of Lumbar Disc Degeneration in Adults Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Correlation between Peridiscal Signal Intensity and Nuclear Signal Intensity in 1773 Discs.:Correlation between Peridiscal Signal Intensity and Nuclear Signal Intensity in
- A newly designed orthoses (N-type cervical orthoses).
- Two cases of the subthecal lumbar herniation.
- Clinical investigation on surgically treated ossification of the posterior ligament of the cervical spine.
- Diagnostic evaluation of MRI for Pyogenic Spondylitis.
- Clinical study of lumbar degenerative disease with acute onset in elderly patients.
- Clinical Study of Thoracic Degenerative Diseases.
- 腰部くも膜骨化症の1例
- Clinical Evaluation of L5-S Intervertebral Disc Herniation:by Myelogram with Water Soluble Contrast Medium
- Tree cases of the cervical syringomyelia
- Clinical Investigation of Lumbar Disc Herniation Over 50 Years of Age
- Clinical Investigation for Cauda Equina Compression Herniation
- Clinical Investigations of Juvenile Lumbar Disc Herniation