慶應義塾女子高等学校 | 論文
- James L. O'Neil, The Origins and Development of Ancient Greek Democracy, pp. ix+189, Lanham, London 1995, ISBN 0 8476 7956 X
- P. Harding; Androtion and the Atthis Pp. XI+236, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1994, £27.50, ISBN 0 19 872148 X
- J. Trevett, Apollodoros the Son of Pasion, Oxford: Oxford University Press 1992, Pp. XIV+209, £27.50, ISBN 0 19 814790 2
- P. Millett; Lending and Borrowing in Ancient Athens, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1991 (Pp. XIII+368, ISBN 0 521 37333 6, £40.00)
- D. L. Stockton, The Classical Athenian Democracy (Oxford, 1990).
- C. G. Starr, The Birth of Athenian Democracy, The Assembly in the Fifth Century B. C., Pp. 86. Oxford University Press, New York 1990, $16.95. ISBN 0 19 506586 7
- Robert Develin, Athenican Officials, 684-321 B. C., Pp.XX+556, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1989, £50.00, ISBN 0 521 32880 2
- Josiah Ober, Mass and Elite in Democratic Athens, Rhetoric, Ideology, and the Power of the People, Pp. XVIII+390, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1989, $45.50, ISBN 0 691 09443 8
- R. Osborne, Demos, The Discovery of Classical Attika., Pp.XIV+284., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1985., £25.00., ISBN 0 521 26776 5
- T. M. L. Wigley, M. J. Ingram and G. Farmer (ed.), Climate and History, Studies in past climates and their impact on Man, Pp. XII+530., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1981, Paperback edition 1985, ISBN 0521312205, £.15.00.
- ROBERTS, J. W., City of Socrates. An Introduction to Classical Athens, Pp. xii+265, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1984, £15.95
- John V. A. Fine; The ancient Greeks; a critical history
- C. Moulton; Similes in the Homeric poems (Hypomnemata, 49)
- J.V. Luce, Homer and the Heroic Age, Pp. 200.136 illus, Thames and Hudson, London 1975, £8.00
- Urlich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, History of Classical Scholarship, Pp. XXXII+189. Translated from the German by Alan Harris, Edited with Introduction and Notes by Hugh Lloyd-Jones Duckworth, London 1982. £18.00
- T.J. Quinn, Athens and Samos, Lesbos and Chios, 478-404B.C., Pp.VI+105, Manchester U.P, Manchester 1981, £14.50
- J. Griffin, Homer on Life and Death, Pp. VI+218, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1980, £12.50.
- W. A. Camps, An Introduction to Homer, Pp XIV+108, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1980.
- ホメーロスの空間表象について
- Hammond. N. G. L. and Scullard. H. H. (ed.), The OXFORD CLASSICAL DICTIONARY