愛知県がんセンター研究所 | 論文
- Smoking and Colorectal Cancer in a Non-Western Population : a Prospective Cohort Study in Japan
- Effect of creatinine generation rate on the relationship between hemodialysis prescription and health-related quality of life
- Hemodialysis machine with one-touch volume replacement and one-touch hemodialysis completion
- Quantitative estimation of dietary energy deficiency and effects of Its supplementation on protein nutritional status of nondiabetic uremic patients undergoing protein restricted dietary regimens
- Mass spectrometric study on the protein chemical modification of uremic patients in advanced Maillard reaction
- Broken Sperm, Cytoplasmic Droplets and Reduced Sperm Motility Are Principal Markers of Decreased Sperm Quality Due to Organophosphorus Pesticides in Rats
- Phase II study of chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation for adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia or lymphoblastic lymphoma : Japan Clinical Oncology Group study 9004
- 肺癌細胞株のゲフィチニブ感受性とEGFR familyの発現, k-ras変異に関する検討
- 23. Panendoscopy で発見した単発性食道微小上皮内癌の2例(第38回食道疾患研究会)
- Epidermal growth factor receptor mutation, but not sex and smoking, is independently associated with favorable prognosis of gefitinib-treated patients with lung adenocarcinoma
- LKB1 gene mutations in Japanese lung cancer patients
- Biological and clinical implications of EGFR mutations in lung cancer
- Leukemic infiltration of the lung following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
- 口腔がんの分子疫学
- monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) 遺伝子多型と喫煙習慣
- 食道がんリスクに関するALDH2、CYP2E1、飲酒の遺伝子環境交互作用
- ドーパミン受容体D2 TaqI A遺伝子多型と喫煙習慣に関する検証的症例対照研究
- a_3食道癌の外科治療
- II-2. 胸部 a_3 食道癌に対する治療方針(第29回食道疾患研究会)
- 「高齢者肺癌に対する limited operation」 : 中部支部 : 第37回中部肺癌学会