愛知学院大学歯学部解剖学講座 | 論文
- I-C-05 Detection of endogenous peroxidase activity in the submandibular gland of the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus by using confocal laser scanning microscopy with reflection mode(THE 45TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CYTOC
- An Odontometrical Study of the Mandibular Molars in the Japanese Shrew Mole,Urotrichus talpoides(INSECTIVORA,Talpidae)
- Tooth size in individuals with congenitally missing teeth: a study of Japanese males
- Tubercle-shaped Incisor of the Cook Islanders
- Pattern of Oro-dental Problems and Knowledge Regarding Dental Care Practices among the Patients Attending Out Patient Department of a Selected Dental College Hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Overview : The Mechanisms Controlling Root Morphogenesis in Mammalian Molars : Morphological Relevance of the Tooth Root and Crown, Developmental Mechanisms, and Phylogenetic Aspect of the Tooth Roots
- How Does the Pulpal Floor of a Molar Tooth Develop?
- Cusp Size Variability of the Maxillary Molariform Teeth
- Allometric Scaling of Deciduous and Permanent Molars in Catarrhine Primates
- 乳歯象牙質の無機質における生化学的検討
- 愛知学院大学楠元キャンパス教職員の喫煙状況と社会的ニコチン依存度
- 上顎側切歯は中切歯が大きいときに退化するか
- Introduction to the Proceedings of the Symposium, "Deciduous Teeth in Dental Anthropology"
- An early Late Cretaceous mammal from Japan, with reconsideration of the evolution of tribosphenic molars
- 双生児モデルによる上顎側切歯の退化に関与する遺伝・環境要因の分析
- Tooth size in individuals with congenitally missing teeth : a study of Japanese males
- 本州におけるニホンカモシカ(Capricornis crispus)の頭蓋形態とサイズの地理的変異
- 中部および西部日本におけるニホンジネズミの島嶼群の形態変異
- 愛知学院大学歯学部教授就任にあたって : 自己紹介と教育研究の今後の抱負
- マカク属二種の第四乳臼歯と大臼歯の歯冠の大きさ