情報通信研究機構未来ictセンター | 論文
- 単電子情報システム構築へむけた有機単電子トンネル素子の試作(有機材料・一般)
- Fowler-Nordheim Tunneling in Electromigrated Break Junctions with Porphyrin Derivatives
- 有機単一電子トランジスタの作製(有機材料,一般)
- Electrical properties of organic single molecules in ultra-narrow gold nano-gap electrodes(Evaluation of organic materials)
- Electrical properties of organic single molecules in ultra-narrow gold nano-gap electrodes
- ナノギャップ電極を用いた単一分子トランジスタの作製とその電気伝導特性 (特集 各産業分野における技術開発の現状) -- (新物質・機能素子・生産技術研究部門)
- Effect of Interfacial Space Charges and Coupling Electrodes on Organic Single Electron Tunneling Device(Special Issue on Recent Progress in Organic Molecular Electronics)
- Analysis of Step Voltages in Single Electron Tunneling Devices Using Organic Thin Films
- ローダミン色素分子膜を用いた単電子素子の特性解析
- A new measuring system for detecting displacement current and absorbance at the same time
- 金属/ポリイミド/ローダミンデンドリマー/ポリイミド/金属構造素子の電気伝導
- New MOS-Type Glucose Sensor Using Sputtered LaF_3 Film
- Pd L_3-Edge XANES Spectra of Supported Pd Particles Induced by the Adsorption and the Absorption of Hydrogen
- Multiple Scattering Approach to Pd L_3-Edge X-Ray Absorption near Edge Structure Spectra for Small Pd Clusters with Hydrogen Adsorption and Absorption
- Multiple Scattering Approach to Pt L_3-edge X-Ray Absorption near Edge Structure Spectra of Small Pt Clusters with Hydrogen Adsorption
- 道具使用の学習と小脳 (特集 小脳)
- Current-Voltage Characteristics with a Step Structure of Metal / Polyimide / Rhodamine-Dendrimer / Polyimide / Metal Junction (Special Issue on Organic Molecular Electronics for the 21st Century)
- 有機単分子を中間電極とした単電子トンネル素子の電気特性(有機新素材,一般)
- 変位電流法による物質表面の有機分子膜の電子物性評価
- ポリイミドLB膜をトンネル層とする色素有機単分子膜の非弾性トンネルスペクトロスコピー