徳島大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科学教室 | 論文
- 星状神経節遮断に由る治療経験
- 耳鼻咽喉科領域に於けるPerphenazin(Triomin)の使用経験
- 頸性「めまい」発現に関する実験的研究 項筋プロカイン注射のウサギ大脳皮質脳波と視性眼振に及ぼす影響
- 自律神経失調の面よりみた外傷性頸性「めまい」 その成立機転に関する神経耳科的考察
- Clinical Efficacy of Clarithromycin Therapy for Chronic Sinusitis and Secretory Otitis Media in Children.
- Two cases of voice tremor.
- A new technique for laryngeal electromyography with a flexible fiberscope.
- Lingual and sublingual ectopic thyroid - A case report.:a case report
- Vertigo due to head and neck injuries:changes in eye reactions after intravenous CDP-choline
- Papillary Hypertrophy of the Palatine Tonsil Associated with Upper Airway Obstruction.
- Human auditory-laryngeal reflex.
- Effects of "Predex" on otomycosis
- 胃疾患にともなうめまいの臨床的,実験的検討
- Therapeutic Experiences with Cor-Tyzine (Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride+Predonisolone) Nasal Solution in Several Diseases of Naso-Antral Regions
- Laryngeal responses to auditory stimulation in humans.
- Changes in arterial blood pressure during sleep in association with obstructive apnea.
- 足踏中の下肢拮抗筋筋電図によるめまい,平衡失調の神経耳科学的分析 (檜学教授開講10周年紀念論文集)
- A Case of a Palatine Lipoma
- Effects on a Few Otorhinological Diseases of an Antiplasmin Agent, Resplami n, and its Minor Experimental Study
- A Case of Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma Developed at Left Auricular Region