徳島大・酵素研・病態システム酵素学 | 論文
- 2-IV-25 新規アポトーシス誘導因子Nuclingのホモシステイン代謝系における関与(一般演題,日本ビタミン学会第62回大会発表要旨)
- 1-II-3 向精神薬クロルプロマジンの光反応産物によるD-アミノ酸酸化酵素の活性阻害(ビタミン学の原点・栄養学への21世紀的回帰, 日本ビタミン学会第59回大会)
- 2-II-23 Genomic and proteomic analyses of rat glioma cells overexpressing D-amino acid oxidase and stimulated with D-serine
- 2-II-22 The Effect of Risperidone on D-Amino Acid Oxidase Activity as a Hypothesis for a Novel Mechanism of Action in the Treatment of Schizophrenia
- Potential Role for Astroglial D-Amino Acid Oxidase in Extracellular D-Serine Metabolism and Cytotoxicity
- Identification of a Novel, Embryonal Carcinoma Cell-Associated Molecule, Nucling, That Is Up-regulated during Cardiac Muscle Differentiation
- Potential cytotoxic effect of hydroxypyruvate produced from D-serine by astroglial D-amino acid oxidase
- Identification of a novel, embryonal carcinoma cell-associated molecule, Nucling, that is up-regulated during cardiac muscle differentiation
- 2-IV-28 ホモシステイン代謝系における新規NF-κB制御因子ヌクリングの関与(一般演題要旨,日本ビタミン学会第64回大会講演要旨)
- 2-II-27 Oxidative stress-energy depletion therapy as a new treatment modality for cancer