弘前大学 医学部麻酔科学教室 | 論文
- Continuous venovenous hemofi ltration improves endotoxin induced lung injury in pigs : Evaluation with ultrasonography
- 3-3 手術室における麻酔科医の呼吸器内視鏡医としての役割及び呼吸器内視鏡医との関わり(シンポジウム3 呼吸器内視鏡医と関連他科の連携)
- PCPS施行時の低酸素血症早期発見にBISモニタリングが有用であった1症例
- Effects of back massage on psychological status and salivary biomarkers
- Use of initial distribution volume of glucose to determine fluid volume loading in pulmonary thromboembolism and right ventricular myocardial infarction
- 鼓室形成術時の直腸温に及ぼす各種麻酔法の影響
- 全身麻酔中に高ケトン体血症を呈した正常耐糖能患者46例の検討
- ケタミン・フェンタニ-ルによる完全静脈麻酔の臨床的研究-18-中枢温と末梢温の較差を指標とする末梢循環の検討
- A case of trigeminal neuralgia complicated by ipsilateral temporal arteritis
- Effects of antisecretory agents on angiogenesis during healing of gastric ulcers
- Back massage therapy promotes psychological relaxation and an increase in salivary chromogranin A release
- Leg massage therapy promotes psychological relaxation and reinforces the first-line host defense in cancer patients
- Use of bispectral index monitoring for a patient with hepatic encephalopathy requiring living donor liver transplantation : a case report
- Atypical Clinical Presentation of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Just after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
- Combination of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and high-frequency oscillatory ventilation saved a child with severe ARDS after pulmonary resection