弘前大学 医学部小児科 | 論文
- Effective Treatment with Cyclosporine A of a Child with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Resistant to Cyclophosphamide Pulse Therapy
- Mizoribine Pulse Therapy for a Pediatric Patient with Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome
- Effective Therapy of a Child Case of Refractory Nephrotic Syndrome with Tacrolimus
- Combined therapy of enalapril and losartan attenuates histologic progression in immunoglobulin A nephropathy
- Therapy-related membranous nephropathy in juvenile idiopathic arthritis with Turner syndrome
- End-Stage Kidney at the Onset of Nephrotic Syndrome in a 4-Year-Old Girl
- Acute renal failure due to hypertension : Malignant hypertension in an adolescent
- Disseminated candidiasis following prednisolone therapy in systemic lupus erythematosus
- Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and Uveitis Syndrome in Two Siblings
- IIE-6 小児部分てんかん児における全般化放電の臨床脳波学的検討
- IIC-32 新生児けいれんの前方視的研究 : てんかんとの関連について
- IIB-7 新生児痙攣女児にみられた反射性ミオクローヌス
- 極小未熟児の当科10年間の療育成績
- 新生児痙攣におけるバルプロ酸の薬物動態および副作用について
- IB-12 バルプロ酸(VPA)の小児期での薬物動態学的検討
- 2A071 クロナゼパムの血漿蛋白結合能とバルプロ酸, アセタゾラミドの蛋白結合能に対する影響
- I-A-10 良性家族性新生児痙攣の2家系
- 神経疾患児の貧血 : とくに抗てんかん剤の影響について
- Childhood idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis with isolated antinuclear antibody positivity
- Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis : Unremitting Proteinuria of Long Duration as a Possible Etiology?