広島大学原爆放射線医科学研究所 分子発がん | 論文
- Establishement of mouse Nbs1-deficient cell lines by gene targeting
- Association of cells from Fanconi anemia patients with radiation sensitivity
- Zuckerラットを用いた味噌による脂肪肝の減少効果
- 一般演題29 広島県内原爆被爆者の子供数
- 一般演題16 放射線によるPCNAのモノユビキチン化の解析
- Association of DNA repair protein NBS1 with telomere maintenance
- The function of NBS1 and histone H2AX in the early process of DNA repair.
- Reversed dose-rate effect of high LET radiation in mutation induction
- Chromosomal instability syndrome of total premature chromatid separation with mosaic variegated aneuploidy is defective in mitotic spindle checkpoint
- Screening of protein interacting with FANCG by Yeast two-hybrid system
- 放射線誘発マウス肝癌におけるIGFBP-rP1遺伝子の役割
- 線維芽細胞成長因子受容体2(FGFR2IIIb)の発現回復によるヒト前立腺癌細胞の増殖抑制
- NBS1, the Nijmegen breakage syndrome protein, regulates the localization of DNA repair complex hRAD50/hMRE11/NBS1
- Accelerated telomere shortening by disruption of DNA repair protein NBS1
- Construction of Nbs1 knockout cell line using chicken DT40
- 誘発突然変異と損傷乗り越えDNA合成 : REV1の構造と生化学的機能
- 損傷乗り越えDNA合成と発癌 (特集 DNAの損傷・修復と疾患)
- P054 Effect of REV1 on the survival of human cells after various DNA damages(Poster Session)
- W2-2 Effect of REV1 on the survival of human cells after various DNA damages(Workshop(2) : Translesion DNA Synthesis and Mutagenesis)
- 一般演題 2 広島大学「原爆・被ばく関連資料データベース」 の概要と公開の意義