島根医科大学医学部歯科口腔外科学講座 | 論文
- 舌背部にみられた粘液線維腫の1例
- 口腔扁平苔癬に随伴した下唇扁平上皮癌の1例
- 下顎骨病変を伴ったHistiocytosis Xの1例
- 知的障害者入所更生施設における23年間の歯科検診結果
- 口腔と結腸の重複癌症例ならびに本邦における口腔領域重複悪性腫瘍の統計的観察
- 画像解析を行った進行性顔半側萎縮症の1例
- まれな固有鼻腔内逆生歯の1症例
- A case of drug induced colitis with maxillary sinus cancer.
- A case of maxillary sinus cancer with multiple microscopic cancer cell embolizations and coagulation necrosis in several organs on autopsy.
- オトガイ部に転移した食道癌の1例 本邦における口腔転移腫瘍の文献的考察
- 人工透析患者の口腔外科小手術経験
- A case of the first and second branchial arch syndrome with submucosal cleft palate.
- 急性前骨髄球性白血病の治療中に壊死性顎下リンパ節炎を生じた1症例
- A case of long-standing dislocation of the temporomandibular joint with severe complications.
- Carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland: Report of a case and immunohistochemical observation.
- Clinical evaluation of Cefmetazole (CMZ) in the field of oral surgery.
- Three cases of so-called Mikulicz's disease.
- Malignant lymphoma developed from the maxillary sinus to cheek: Report of a case.
- A patient with tongue cancer associated with DIC under treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy.
- 上顎洞内迷入異物の4症例