岡山大学 第3内科 | 論文
- PJ-392 Effect of Combination Therapy with Bone-Marrow Mononuclear Cells Implantation and Sarpogrelate Hydrochloride on Angiogenesis and Cardiac Performance in Myocardial Ischemia(PJ066,ACS/AMI (Basic) (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scient
- 61.膠原病における細胞質抗体"新しい抗マイクロゾーム抗体"の検出( 自己免疫(I))
- 60.ELISAによる抗Sm, RNP抗体の検出( 自己免疫(I))
- 5.各種肝疾患におけるClq血清とその臨床的意義について(補体)
- 4.アクチノマイシンDによる DNA 免疫複合体の検出(5 Immune complex)
- クリオグロブリン血症 (免疫グロブリンの臨床)
- A Patient with Severe Palindromic Rheumatism and Frequent Episodes of Pain
- Serum levels of remnant lipoprotein cholesterol and oxidized low-density lipoprotein in patients with coronary artery disease
- Involvement of the bone morphogenetic protein system in endothelin- and aldosterone-induced cell proliferation of pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells isolated from human patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension
- Periodic Secretion of Adrenocorticotropin in a Patient with Cushing's Disease Manifested during Pregnancy
- Role of Bradykinin in Renoprotective Effects by Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antagonist in Salt-Sensitive Hypertension
- Japanese Family with Gloucocorticoid-Remediable Aldosteronism Diagnosed by Long-Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Hyperthyroidism in a Patient with TSH-Producing Pituitary Adenoma Coexisting with Thyroid Papillary Adenocarcinoma
- Abrupt Enlargement of Adrenal Incidentaloma : A Case of Isolated Adrenal Metastasis
- Primary Aldosteronism Caused by a Unilateral Adrenal Adenoma Accompanied by Autonomous Cortisol Secretion
- 特発性心膜炎の1例 : 第28回日本循環器学会中国四国地方会
- 悪性腫瘍の心臓への転移に関する統計的観察 : 第26回日本循環器学会中国・四国地方会
- A Rare Tumor in the Adrenal Region : Neuron-specific Enolase (NSE)-Producing Leiomyosarcoma in an Elderly Hypertensive Patient
- Manifestation of Rheumatoid Arthritis after Transsphenoidal Surgery in a Patient with Acromegaly
- A Lethal Complication, Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis, of Turner's Syndrome with Primary Hyperparathyroidism