岐阜大・工・生命工 | 論文
- On-Line Monitoring and Control of Aceotone-Butanol Fermentation by Membrane-Sensor Mass Spectrometry
- 1E14-4 Alcaligenes sp. IFO14130の菊酸エチルエステルと6-アミノヘキサン酸環状ダイマーに作用する加水分解酵素の関係(生物化学工学,一般講演)
- Expression and Subcellular Localization of Candida tropicalis Catalase in Catalase Gene Disruptants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Individual Expression of Candida tropicalis Peroxisomal and Mitochondrial Carnitine Acetyltransferase-Encoding Genes and Subcellular Localization of the Products in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- 413 Simulation of Fermentation Process by Using Fuzzy Set Theory
- Metabolic Flux Change in Hybridoma Cells under High Osmotic Pressure
- 524 Improvement of Monoclonal Antibody Production with Gradual Increase of Osmotic Pressure
- 718 Prevention of Acetic Acid Excretion during Fed-batch Cultivation of Recombinant Escherichia coli AT2471 by Balanced DO-stat
- 519 Control of Acetic Acid Accumulation during Cultivation of Recombinant E__-. coli AT2471.
- Production of Monascus Pigments by a Solid-Liquid State Culture Method
- Physiologically Motivated Strategies for Control of the Fed-Batch Cultivation of Recombinant Escherichia coli for Phenylalanine Production
- 921 炭酸固定反応をも触媒する脱炭酸酵素の探索 : インドール-3-カルボン酸脱炭酸酵素の発見
- 913 ケトキシムのケトンへの微生物変換
- 1E14-3 アミダーゼが触媒するアミドの生成反応(生物化学工学,一般講演)
- 2K15-5 廃液処理への応用を目指した高濃度アセトニトリルの微生物分解
- Effect of Sugar Residues in a Glycolipid Coated onto a Dish on Ammonia Consumption and Gluconeogenesis Activity of Primary Rat Hepatocytes
- Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Peptide-Lipid
- 3F09-5 ウシ膵臓由来トリプシンのリフォールディングにおける様々な工夫(酵素学,酵素工学,タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- Expanded Bed Adsorption for Purification of Alcohol Dehydrogenase Using a Dye-Iminodiacetic Acid Matrix (BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)
- Multivalent Binding Interaction of Alcohol Dehydrogenase on Dye-Metal Affinity Matrix(BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)