山梨大学 医学部産婦人科 | 論文
- 血流が残存した胎盤遺残に対する待機療法について
- Correlation of Abnormal Mitochondrial Distribution in Mouse Oocytes with Reduced Developmental Competence
- Novel Splicing Events of Untranslated First Exons in Human Estrogen Receptor Alpha (ERα) Gene
- Oxidative state and zona-binding ability in mouse spermatozoa treated with reduced glutathione
- Spermatozoon and mitochondrial DNA
- Progesterone Receptor mRNA Variant Containing Novel Exon insertions between Exon 4 and Exon 5 in Human Uterine Endometrium
- P3-29 Expression of phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) during spermatogenesis in rat testis. Quantitative immunoelectron microscopic analysis
- The Novel Untranslated Exon "Exon 0T" Encoded between the Exon 0 and Exon 1 of the Rat Estrogen Receptor Alpha (ERα) Gene
- Effect of Oocyte Retrieval from a Small Leading Follicle in Fixed-Schedule in vitro Fertilization Program
- Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma with Sarcoma-like Mural Nodules Arising in a Mature Cystic Teratoma of the Ovary : A Case Report
- P1-19-6 凝固機能障害を伴う分娩時大量出血症例に対するcryoprecipitateを用いた輸血療法の有効性について(Group39 妊娠・分娩・産褥の生理・病理7 産科出血,一般演題,第63回日本産婦人科学会学術講演会)
- 腹膜インプラントを伴う卵巣漿液性境界悪性腫瘍の1例
- Pregnancy associated progenitor cells による臓器修復の可能性
- 2)異常新生児(18.新生児の管理,研修コーナー)
- 1)正常新生児(18.新生児の管理,研修コーナー)
- 産科大量出血に対するクリオプレシピテートの有用性