山梨大学 医学部放射線科 | 論文
- CADソフトウェアの臨床応用/評価/追加学習を目的としたWebベースのCAD実行環境 : フィードバックに基づく追加学習に関する初期検討
- Pathological Changes in the Gastrointestinal Tract of a Heavily Radiation-exposed Worker at the Tokai-mura Criticality Accident
- 444. レーザを用いた体動モニターの試作(I) : 基本構成と特徴 : 治療-14 装置・器具-2 : 第43回総会会員研究発表予稿
- 109. ORBIX撮影装置による1. 5倍拡大撮影の有用性 : 立体・拡大撮影 : 第43回総会会員研究発表予稿
- 多数のランドマーク位置候補検出結果からの最適組み合わせ検索アルゴリズム : 撮像範囲未知画像から得られる候補点の最適組み合わせに関する検討
- Diffusion abnormality in posterior cingulate fiber tracts in Alzheimer's disease : tract-specific analysis
- Diffusion tensor imaging of the brain : effects of distortion correction with correspondence to numbers of encoding directions
- 3T PROPELLER diffusion tensor fiber tractography : a feasibility study for cranial nerve fiber tracking
- Flexible ex vivo phantoms for validation of diffusion tensor tractography on a clinical scanner
- Quantitative Evaluation of the Pyramidal Tract Segmented by Diffusion Tensor Tractography : Feasibility Study in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- The Optimal Trackability Threshold of Fractional Anisotropy for Diffusion Tensor Tractography of the Corticospinal Tract
- Development of Intraarterial Contrast-enhanced 2D MRDSA with a 0. 3 Tesla Open MRI System
- Feasibility of a Curvature-based Enhanced Display System for Detecting Cerebral Aneurysms in MR Angiography
- MDCT demonstration of intraarticular gas in the glenohumeral joint and sternoclavicular joint with reference to arm position
- Introducer Needles of Peripheral Intravenous Catheters : Assessment of Magnetic Field Interactions with 1.5T and 3T MR Systems
- The "Morning Glory Sign" May Lead to False Impression According to Slice Angle
- Morning Glory Sign is not Prevalent in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
- Utilization of Low-Field MR Scanners
- Two-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Digital Subtraction Angiography Using Array Spatial Sensitivity Encoding Techniques in the Assessment of Intracranial Hemodynamics
- Detection of Brain Metastasis: Comparison of Turbo-FLAIR Imaging, T_2-weighted Imagig and Double-dose Gadolinium-enhanced MR Imaging