山形大学理学部数理科学科 | 論文
- A proof of the equivalence of two complex structures on the punctured tangent bundle of complex projective space (Dynamical Systems and Differential Geometry)
- 対称空間上のgeodesic flowの完全積分可能性(力学系とリー群の表現論)
- Loewner matrices of matrix convex and monotone functions : joint work with F.Hiai (Noncommutative Structure in Operator Theory and its Application)
- Anti-Loewner 行列について (バナッハ空間論の研究とその周辺)
- 行列環のテンソル積空間上の部分転置写像について (線形作用素に関連する不等式とその応用)
- 「数学力」へ : 高大連携と出前講義(平成19年度山形大学教養教育ベストティーチャー賞受賞記念)
- 2種類の$C^*$-環の包含について (作用素環論の多様性)
- Index ratio sets for minimal equivalence relations-subrelations (Free products in operator algebras and related topics)
- On the field of definition for modularity of CM elliptic curves (代数的整数論とその周辺 研究集会報告集)
- Determination of All Q-Rational CM-Points in the Moduli Space of Principally Polarized Abelian Surfaces〔和文〕 (解析的整数論とその周辺)
- Shimura curves as intersection of Humbert surfaces and defining equations of QM-curves of genus two
- An algorithm for determining the normal form of the genus two modular curves(Algebraic Number Theory)
- Anti-Loewner matrices : Numerical radius and unitarity (Structural study of operators via spectra or numerical ranges)
- Semi-operator monotonicity for operator monotone functions (Research on structures of operators via methods in geometry and probability theory)
- 複素双曲型空間型から実双曲型空間型への固有な調和写像について (双曲空間とその関連分野 II)