小倉記念病院整形外科 | 論文
- 家兎の腱の成長について
- 直視下皮下手根管開放術の治療経験
- 膝蓋骨内側部剥離骨折の2例
- 副甲状腺機能亢進症既往患者にみられた顎骨病変
- 口蓋-頸椎-腸骨部にみられたHistiocytosis-Xの1例
- Spontaneous muscular rupture of the extensor pollicis longus a case report.
- Soft tissue chondroma of the elbow.
- Synovial chondromatosis of the ankle joint with irregular extraarticular calcification a case report.
- タイトル無し
- Synovial osteochondromatosis in the TFCC region.
- Primary Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of Femur (case report)
- Five Cases of Non-Union of the Scaphoid Bone
- Postirradiation osteosarcoma A case report.
- Trigger Wrist Phenomenon in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case Report.
- Treatment of Dorsal Dislocation of the Fourth Metatarsophalangeal Joint.
- 膝外側円板状メニスクスに関する一,二の経験
- Osteosclerotic myeloma associated with polyneuropathy: 2 case reports.
- Heterotopic Ossification in Hip Joint Following Cerebro-Vascular Disease. Case Report.:Case Report
- Followup Study of Surgical Treatment of Low Backpain and Radicular Sciatica
- Two cases of alkaptonuria.