富山大学 医学薬学研究部腎泌尿器科学 | 論文
- CD2^+ Tetraploid Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Variant with Double (15 ; 17) Translocations
- Th1/Th2 Lymphocyte Balance in Patients with Aplastic Anemia
- Successful Immunosuppressive Therapy with Cyclosporine A for Posthepatitis B-Cell Deficiency With Activated Cytoplasmic Interferon-γ-Positive T-Lymphocytes
- Efficacy and safety of laparoscopic surgery for pheochromocytoma
- Aberrant expression of Pax-2 mRNA in renal cell carcinoma tissue and parenchyma of the affected kidney
- Microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy
- Simultaneous occurrence of prostate cancer and IgE myeloma, a rare hematolymphoid malignancy
- Superior sagital sinus thrombosis in a patient with aplastic anemia treated with anabolic steroids
- evidence-based practice guideline for the treatment of chronic kidney disease
- Mechanisms Involved in Enhancement of Apoptosis by Radiation or Hyperthermia in Combination with Sodium Butyrate
- Mesalazine-associated severe aplastic anemia successfully treated with antithymocyte globulin, cyclosporine and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
- Hormonal therapy for prostate cancer : Current topics and future perspectives
- Heart rate as a risk factor for developing chronic kidney disease : longitudinal analysis of a screened cohort
- Clinical effect of naftopidil on the quality of life of patients with lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia : A prospective study
- Treatment outcomes of sorafenib for first line or cytokinerefractory advanced renal cell carcinoma in Japanese patients
- Increased expression of h-prune is associated with tumor progression and poor survival in gastric cancer
- Smoking and Obesity in Relation to the Etiology and Disease Progression of Prostate Cancer in Japan
- Comparison of Markers of Bone Formation and Resorption in Prostate Cancer Patients to Predict Bone Metastasis
- IS-3 Comparison of Atmospheric Poly cyclic Aromatic Compounds in China and Japan(International Symposium, Global issues on mutagens in the environment and their health effects)