富山大学和漢医薬学総合研究所 病態生化学 | 論文
- 病態生化学分野(病態制御部門,各部門・附属センターの活動と業績)
- プロテインチップを用いた東洋医学における病態(証)の科学的解明・診断支援システムの開発
- 病態生化学分野(各部門・附属センターの活動と業績)
- 和漢薬研究の最前線 : ゲノムからのアプローチ
- Association of remnant-like lipoprotein particles cholesterol with "oketsu" syndrome
- 補剤をめぐって
- Effects of Keishibukuryogan on Vascular Function in Adjuvant-Induced Arthritis Rats(Analytical Biochemistry)
- Cinnamaldehyde Induces Endothelium-Dependent and -Independent Vasorelaxant Action on Isolated Rat Aorta(Pharmacology)
- Chotosan and cerebrovascular disorders : Clinical and experimental studies
- Expression Patterns of Plasma Proteins in Spontaneously Diabetic Rats after Oral Administration of a Kampo Medicine, Hachimi-jio-gan, Using SELDI ProteinChip Platform(Pharmacognosy)
- Clinical Assessment of Usefulness, Effectiveness and Safety of Keishi-bukuryo-gan on Various Neuropathies : A Case Series
- Effect of Red Ginseng on CO_2 Reactivity in Middle Cerebral Artery in Healthy Human Subjects
- 051 Effect of Hyolboochuko-tang(血府逐〓湯) on the Prognosis of Patients with Middle Cerebral Artery Stenosis
- Effects of Curcuma Drugs on Vasomotion in Isolated Rat Aorta(Pharmacognosy)
- P-05 ヒト腸内細菌代謝能保有マウスを用いた薬用人参の大腸発癌抑制作用
- 29A-02 人参サポニンによる癌転移抑制効果は腸内細菌代謝能に依存する
- An amazing cow's urine therapy practice in Myanmar (News Letter)
- Amelioration of kidney damage in spontaneously diabetic WBN/Kob rats after treatment with Keishi-bukuryo-gan
- Effects of Toki-shakuyaku-san on microcirculation of bulbar conjunctiva and hemorheological factors in patients with asymptomatic cerebral infarction
- Kampo formulations and allergic inflammatory diseases : Efficacy for murine IgE-mediated triphasic cutaneous reaction