富山化学工業株式会社綜合研究所 | 論文
- Substrate Specificity of Bovine Cathepsin B and Its Inhibition by CA047, Based on Crystal Structure Refinement of the Complex
- Binding Mode of CA074, a Specific Irreversible Inhibitor, to Bovine Cathepsin B as Determined by X-Ray Crystal Analysis of the Complex
- 注射用ニューキノロン系抗菌薬T-3762のラットにおける3箇月間反復静脈内投与毒性試験
- 富山県内より分離された呼吸器感染症主要起因菌の経口β-ラクタム剤感受性
- Needle-Type Ultra Micro Silver/Silver Chloride Reference Electrode for Use in Micro-Electrochemistry
- β-ラクタム系抗生物質の薬学的研究(第1報) : D(-)-α-[(Monooxo)-1-piperazinecarboxamido]benzylpenicillin誘導体の合成ならびに構造-抗菌活性
- 本邦および大韓民国で分離された小児由来肺炎球菌の各種抗菌薬感受性
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa性実験的マウス肺炎モデル-1-感染条件の設定
- 新規抗潰瘍剤(T-593)の開発研究.ラニチジンのN-2-(2-ヒドロキシ-2-フェニル)-エチル-N"-(メタンスルホニル)グアニジン類縁体の合成と抗潰瘍活性
- 注射用ニューキノロン系抗菌薬T-3762のカニクイザルにおける13週間反復静脈内投与毒性試験及び4週間回復性試験
- ピペラシリンの代謝物(脱エチル体)のラットにおける単回静脈内投与ならびに28日間反復静脈内投与毒性試験
- Preparation and Characterization of a New Lipid Nano-Emulsion Containing Two Cosurfactants, Sodium Palmitate for Droplet Size Reduction and Sucrose Palmitate for Stability Enhancement
- Partitioning of Anti-inflammatory Steroid Drugs into Phosphatidylcholine and Phosphatidylcholine-Cholesterol Small Unilamellar Vesicles as Studied by Second-Derivative Spectrophotometry
- Effects of Inorganic Ions on the Binding of Triflupromazine and Chlorpromazine to Bovine Serum Albumin Studied by Spectrometric Methods
- Thermodynamics of Partitioning of Phenothiazine Drugs between Phosphatidylcholine Bilayer Vesicles and Water Studied by Second-Derivative Spectrophotometry
- Determination of Ofloxacin in Tablets by Room-Temperature Phosphorimetry on a Poly(vinyl alcohol) Solid Substrate
- Determination of Indomethacin by Room-Temperature Phosphorimetry on a Poly (vinyl alcohol) Substrate
- Effects of Polymerization and Hydrolysis Degrees of Poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA) on the Efficiency of the PVA-Solid Substrate for Room-Temperature Phosphorimetry
- Effect of Phosphatidylserine Content on the Partition Coefficients of Diazepam and Flurazepam between Phosphatidylcholine-Phosphatidylserine Bilayer of Small Unilamellar Vesicles and Water Studied by Second Derivative Spectrophotometry
- Side Chain-Dependent Binding of Antitumor Indoloquinoxaline Derivatives to DNA:Comparative Spectroscopic and Viscometric Measurements