宮城県対がん協会 がん検診センター | 論文
- 大腸がん検診-歩んできた道, そしてこれから
- 標本調査によるがん検診受診率の推計とその問題点
- 改めてがん検診を考える
- これからの消化器がん検診についての提言
- がん検診の科学的検証
- 胃集検間接X線検査にて発見された下咽頭癌の一例
- A study of the advanced gastric carcinoma detected by annual screening ingastric mass survey
- Evaluation of Colorectal Cancer Screening using Two-day Immunological Fecal Occult Blood Test
- Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Mass Screening for Colorectal Cancer : Comparative Evaluation of Two Screening Methods
- An estimate of the false-negative rate of mass-screening for gastric carcinoma
- 人間ドックの超音波検査で脂肪肝と診断されたBMI22未満の症例に関する検討
- 超音波健診での脂肪肝例における脂肪肝および血液生化学検査値の経時的変化に関する検討
- EBMに基づいた消化器がん検診を目指して
- A comparative study between screen-detected and clinically diagnosed colorectal cancer with stratification by gender and age.
- A Study of The Gastric Carcinoma Located in Upper Third of Stomach Detected by Gastric Mass Survey
- A study on false positive of Gastric mass survey by indirect X-ray examination.
- A study of Gastric mass survey with high density barium:Clinical comparison with the previuos method
- Mass Screening of the Stomach:Comparative Studies focused on Indirect X-ray Examination
- A study for indirect X-ray examination with high-density barium sulfate
- A study of the scirrhous carcinoma detected by gastric mass survey