大阪府立大学 農学部 | 論文
- 人工光下でのUV-A付加照射がレタスとハツカダイコンの成長と葉の苦味に与える影響
- 2D0930 CO_2濃度が樹木のO_3,NO_2,NO収着速度におよぼす影響
- 日の出前の青色光による補光時間がキュウリ苗の成長促進におよぼす影響
- 低湿地圃場における土壌の通気性改良材として籾殻燻炭を用いたサツマイモの栽培
- 日の出前の青色光補光によるキュウリ苗の成長促進に及ぼす照射強度の影響
- フィールドチャンバーを用いた樹木のガス状大気汚染物質収着速度の測定法
- 低湿地での土壌畝内への稲藁, 麦藁および籾穀の投入がサツマイモの生育, 形態および収量に及ぼす影響
- 閉鎖系内のエチレン測定による植物の成育診断の可能性
- 光合成藻類, ユーグレナの光ダイオードによる生育
- CO_2と植物
- Synthesis of Optically Active β-[4-(^B)Borono-2,6-difluorophenyl]alanine and Its Evaluation as a Boron Carrier for BNCT
- In Vitro and Vivo Evaluation of Fluorinated p-Boronophenylalanine Derivatives as Boron Carrier and MRI Probe
- Synthesis and Evaluation of the Compounds Containing ^B and ^F Atoms as Boron Carrier and Imaging Agent
- Study of the Fluorine- and Boron-10 Containing Compounds toward MRI and BNCT
- Low Sucrase Activity in the Small Intestine of a Senescence-accelerated Strain of Mouse, SAMP1
- Morphological and molecular characterization for a Japanese isolate of tomato powdery mildew Oidium neolycopersici and its host range
- Expression of a Gene Encoding Chitinase(pCA 8 ORF)from Aeromonas sp.No.10S-24 in Escherichia coli and Enzyme Characterization
- Increases in Gastric Histidine Decarboxylase Activity and Plasma Gastrin Level in Streptozotocin-induced Type 1 Diabetic Rats
- Purification and Characterization of ADP-Ribosyl Cyclase from Euglena gracilis
- Suppression by Water Extracts of Sophora Plants of Sucrose-induced Hyperglycemia in Rats and Inhibition of Intestinal Disaccharidases In Vitro