大阪大学 医系研究 ポストゲノム疾患解析 | 論文
- Identification of GFAT1-L, a novel splice variant of human glutamine : fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase (GFAT1) that is expressed abundantly in skeletal muscle
- Isolation and mapping of a novel human kidney- and liver-specific gene homologous to the bacterial acetyltransferases
- Expression and chromosomal localization of KIAA0369, a putative kinase structurally related to Doublecortin
- Human Papillomavirus Type 33 DNA in Breast Cancer in Chinese
- Complete cDNA sequence and genomic organization of a human pancreas-specific gene homologous to Caenorhabditis elegans sel-1
- Molecular cloning, expression, and mapping of a novel human cDNA, GRP17, highly homologous to human gadd45 and murine MyD118
- Cloning and chromosomal mapping of a novel ABC transporter gene (hABC7), a candidate for X-linked sideroblastic anemia with spinocerebellar ataxia
- A Half-Type ABC TRansporter TAPL Is Highly Conserved between Rodent and Man, and the Human Gene Is Not Responsive to Interferon-γ in Contrast to TAP1 and TAP2^1