多摩森林科学園 | 論文
- 神奈川県における外来種クリハラリス(Callosciurus erythraeus)の巣場所選択と巣材
- 松枯れがニホンリスの生息に与える影響
- 都市近郊における森林の断片化とリスの生息分布
- 山梨県における材線虫病被害とニホンリスの生息状況
- 亜熱帯産外来種クリハラリスの活動に及ぼす冬期温度の影響
- Five-year study of the genetic structure and demography of two subpopulations of the Japanese squirrel (Sciurus lis) in a continuous forest and an isolated woodlot
- Chemical components of hardwood barks stripped by the alien squirrel Callosciurus erythraeus in Japan
- 大学体育の授業開発について : 関西大学における事例報告
- 森とけもの(7)リスのすむ森
- リス亜目の配偶システム
- A1 アカマツ球果・種子に対するニホンリス(Sciurus lis)の採食行動(口頭発表,講演要旨,野生生物保護学会2004年大会大会報告)
- A new pair of primers for molecular sexing of the Pallas squirrel, Callosciurus erythraeus, and variation in fetal sex ratio
- Habitat variables of the Japanese squirrel identified by regression tree model
- Effects of habitat fragmentation on the presence of Japanese squirrels, Sciurus lis, in suburban forests
- Effects of habitat mosaic on home range size of the Japanese squirrel, Sciurus lis
- Walnut Hoarding by the Japanese Wood Mouse, Apodemus speciosus Temminck
- Seasonal change in reproductive states of the Formosan squirrel on Izu-Oshima Island, Japan
- Fate of Walnut Seeds, Juglans airanthifolia, Hoarded by Japanese Squirrels, Sciurus lis
- Variation in Body Weight among Three Populations of the Formosan Squirrel Callosciurus erythraeus thaiwanensis
- Home range size of the Formosan squirrel,Callosciurus erythraeus thaiwanensis,estimated by radio tracking