塩野義製薬(株)新薬研究所 | 論文
- 424 トリニトロフェニル基(TNP)を起因とするアレルギー性肝炎の研究I.TNP化同種肝抽出タンパクに対するモルモットの免疫反応
- 226 β-ラクタム抗生物質と同系臓器抽出タンパクとの結合体に対するモルモットの遅延型皮膚反応
- 薬物代謝試験はコンピュータで可能か?
- タンパク質を鋳型する
- DNAシークエンシングやイムノアッセイの新戦力, 超高感度化学発光基質AMPPD
- Analgesic effect of morphine-6-glucuronide(M-6-G) for postoperative pain.
- Pharmacokinetic research in patient with renal failure of rilmazafone hydrochloride.
- Pharmacokinetic Study of Rilmazafone Hydrochloride in patients with Chronic Renal Failure.
- 新しい睡眠薬450191-Sの健常達人における薬物速度論的研究
- Pharmacokinetics of a new hypnotic, 450191-S in healthy adults.
- Pharmacokinetics of 480156-S in healthy volunteers.
- Pharmacokinetics of sustained release tablets of morphine sulfate (MS-C) in patients with cancer.
- Study on the pharmacokinetics of a controlled-release morphine sulfate tablet (MS contin) in cancer patients.
- Urinaly concentration of S-1108 following oral administration.
- Usage of vancomycin hydrochloride for old patients.
- Pharmacokinetics of morphine in cancer patients following oral administration of aqueous and controlled-release morphine at steady state.
- Absorption dynamics of 7432-S, a cephem antibiotic.
- Pharmacokinetics of 480156-S in elderly patients.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し