埼玉医科大学平衡神経科 | 論文
- Neurotological examination can conclude as arteriovenous malformation of the posterior fossa.
- A case of the central nervous disease initially suspected of being typical Meniere's disease.
- Vertical Rebound Nystagmus directed upwards appearing when the gaze moves from downward to forward.
- Primary position spontaneous vertical nystagmus; pathophysiology and review of the literature - Upbeat nystagmus, downbeat nystagmus, and alternating vertical nystagmus treated by the authors.:-Upbeat Nystagmus, Downbeat Nystagmus, and Alternating Vertica
- Clinical values in inversive type of optokinetic after-nystagmus(OKAN).
- Acute cerebellar vermis syndrome caused by cerebellar atrophy.
- Sensorineural hearing loss caused by lesions of the vertebro-basilar artery system. Discussion of so-called "vascular sudden deafness".:-Discussion of So-Called "Vascular Sudden Deaf ness"-
- Head-shaking after nystagmus - Study of peripheral latero-vestibular disorder.:-Study of Peripheral Latero-vestibular Disorder-
- Fistula symptoms. 2nd report. Atypical fistula symptoms, especially eye deviation.:-2nd Report: Atypical Fistula Symptoms, Especially Eye Deviation-
- Fistula symptoms. First report The third significance next to otitis media and syphilis.:-First Report: The Third Significance Next to Otitis Media and Syphilis-
- Vertical rebound nystagmus.
- Fistula signs. 3rd report The fistula sign caused by sound stimuli-the Tullio phenomenon.:-3rd Report: The Fistula Sign Caused by Sound Stimuli-The Tullio Phenomenon-
- Post-rotational visual suppression test in patients with cerebellar lesions.
- 聴神経腫瘍を伴わない両側内耳道拡大例