城西大学 薬学部 | 論文
- Screening of Cationic Compounds as an Absorption Enhancerfor Nasal Drug Delivery
- Effects of Sperminated Pullulans on the Pulmonary Absorption of Insulin
- O-115 処方箋情報の医薬品開発へのフィードバック : 持続性製剤の適正使用について
- 処方箋情報の医薬品開発へのフィードバック : 口腔内速崩壊性錠剤を例として
- Synergistic effect of iontophoresis and pretreatment ofjet injector on the in vitro skin permeation of dichlofenac andangiotensin II
- Mechanisms of Gastric Mucus Secretion from Cultured Rat Gastric Epithelial Cells Induced by Carbachol, Cholecystokinin Octapeptide, Secretin, and Prostaglandin E_2
- Gastric Mucin Secretion from Cultured Rat Epithelial Cells
- 経皮性薬剤配送システムとしてのマイクロ糖針
- O-22 処方箋情報の医薬品開発へのフィードバック : ワルファリンとブコロームの併用とその是非
- Postnatal Changes and Effects of Glucocorticoid on MUC5AC mRNA Expression in the Rat Stomach
- Some Factors Which Influence Intrinsic Factor Content and Its mRNA Level in the Rat Stomach
- Regulation of Gastric Mucosal Pepsinogen and Intrinsic Factor Contents, and Their mRNA Levels during Starvation and Refeeding in Rats
- マウス不死化肝細胞IMHの樹立とIF3遺伝子
- 多剤併用処方にみられる重大な副作用重複の現状
- Feasibility of Use of Several Cardiovascular Agents in Transdermal Therapeutic Systems with l-Menthol-Ethanol System on Hairless Rat and Human Skin
- 摘出皮膚代替 in vitro 経皮吸収試験法に用いるヒト皮膚類似人工膜の調製とその評価に関する研究
- Enhanced skin permeation から injection-like delivery へ
- 平成10年度「日本薬局方の試験法に関する研究」研究報告: 貼付剤の放出試験法に関する研究
- Effects of dietary polyamines on the promotion of mammary tumor in rats.
- IF3, a novel cell-differentiation factor, highly expressed in murine liver and ovary.