城西大・薬 | 論文
- 済生会栗橋病院の院外処方せんの地域拡散状況と患者の薬局選択様式
- High Performance Liquid Chromatography for Routine Monitoring of Serum Flecainide
- In Vitro Skin Permeation of Morphine Hydrochloride during the Finite Application of Penetration-Enhancing System Containing Water, Ethanol and l-Menthol
- 薬の写真をのせた薬袋による情報提供の有用性評価:写真入り情報提供せんとの比較
- EPとIP併用時における低分子・高分子薬物の皮膚透過促進に及ぼす影響
- Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluations of a potentanalgesic dihydroetorphine, in hairless rat
- Tolerance to analgesia dependence liability by topicalapplication of dihydroetorphine to hairless rats
- Transdermal Delivery of the Potent Analgesic Dihydroetorphine:Kinetic Analysis of Skin Permeation and Analgesic Effect in theHairless Rat
- Quantitative determination of dihydroetorphine in rat plasmaand brain by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- 機能性コラーゲンペプチドの開発とその効果 (特集:健康・機能性食品素材の開発(1))
- 知りたかった食品成分の機能とエビデンス(9)コラーゲンペプチド
- アセトアミノフェン小児用ドライシロップ剤の味覚評価(苦味マスキングに関する評価 第1報)
- 水溶性薬物を含有した貼付剤の調製と放出・皮膚透過挙動の改善
- Potential usefulness of solubility index for prediction of theskin permeation rate of 5-IMSN from pressure-sensitiveadhesive tape
- A protective effect against undesirable increase of dihydroetorphine permeation through damaged skin by using pressure-sensitive adhesive tape with an ethylene-vinyl acetate co-polymermembrane
- Microparticulate bombardment system を用いた抗原含有微粒子の免疫処置に関する研究
- Relationship among Permeation of Ethanol, Leaching of Hemoglobinfrom Capillary Blood, and Permeation of Morphine Hydrochloride inHairless Rat Skin
- Effect of Application Volume of Ethanol-Isopropyl Myristate MixedSolvent System on Permeation of Zidovudine and Probenecid throughRat Skin
- Effect of l-Menthol-Ethanol-Water System on the SystemicAbsorption of Flurbiprofen after Repeated Topical Applicationin Rabbits
- Helios^ gun system を用いたワクチン含有微粒子による経皮的免疫処置法