国立療養所松籟荘 | 論文
- I-C-14 抗てんかん薬の免疫グロブリンに与える影響 第2報 : Diphenylhydantoin (DPH) について
- Effects of Foods on the Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Efficacy of Quazepam
- Am-80 による再発 APL 再寛解例の長期予後 : 単一施設における7例の検討
- 日本版 DRG 試行分類に基づく重症度評価に関する研究
- Hyperthermic induction of apoptosis in malignant fibrous histiocytoma cells : possible involvement of a p53-independent pathway in the induction of bax gene
- Interleukin-1β induces the expression of lipocortin 1 mRNA in cultured rat cortical astrocytes
- Effects of mechaincal vibration on DNA and proteoglycan syntheses in cultured articular chondrocytes
- Isolation and characterization of a new immortal rat astrocyte with a high expression of NGF mRNA
- Cloning of a Rat Glia Maturation Factor-γ (rGMFG) cDNA and Expression of Its mRNA and protein in Rat Organs^1
- Induction of blood-brain barrier properities in immortalized bovine brain endothelial cells by astrocytic factors
- A case of general paresis showing marked treatment-associated improvement of cerebellar blood flow by quantitative imaging analysis
- 小・中・高校における喫煙防止教育と周囲の喫煙者の女子短大生の喫煙行動に及ぼす影響
- 小・中・高校における喫煙防止教育と家庭内喫煙者の女子短大生の喫煙行動に及ぼす効果
- 「登校拒否」現象発現に係わる要因の社会医学的研究-2-登校拒否誘発因子群の検討
- 「登校拒否」現象発現に係わる要因の社会医学的研究