国立成育医療センター 臨床検査部 | 論文
- Serum Levels of Free Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I in Normal Children ; Relations to Total IGF-I, IGF Binding Protein (IGFBP)-1, IGFBP-3, and Acid Labile Subunit (ALS)
- Insulin-Like Growth Factors (IGFs) and IGF-Binding Proteins (IGFBP-1, -2 and -3) in Diabetic Pregnancy:Relationship to Macrosomia
- パラフィン切片における小児血液腫瘍のマーカー診断鑑別表の作成
- 1. 長期 TPN 管理中に高カルシウム血症, 尿症を呈した 1 例(第 30 回 日本小児外科代謝研究会)
- 成長ホルモン遺伝子(GH-1)欠損による成長ホルモン単独欠損症(IGHD type IA)の1例
- A Case of Female Pseudohermaphroditism Caused by Aromatase Deficiency
- Viriizing Adrenocortical Carcinoma Invading the Right Atrium with Histological High-Grade Malignancy and p53 Mutation in a 3-Year-Old Child : Indication of Post Operative Adjuvant Chemotherapy
- Disorders of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Caused by Overdosed Anti-Allergic Drug : A Case Report
- A Ten-Year Old Male with Bromocriptine Resistant PRL and GH-Producing Huge Pituitary Adenoma
- Growth Hormone (GH) Binding Protein in Children with Intrauterine Growth Retardation Treated with High Dose GH
- Japanese Familial Patients with Male-Limited Precocious Puberty
- Genetic and Endocrinological Evaluations of Three 46, XX Patients with Congenital Lipoid Adrenal Hyperplasia Previously Reported as Having Presented Spontaneous Puberty
- Final Height in Girls with Turner Syndrome after Growth Hormone Treatment ; Experience at National Children's Hospital
- Molecular Analysis of the CLCNKB Gene in Japanese Patients with Classic Bartter Syndrome
- Two Novel Mutations in the Thyroid Peroxidase Gene with Goitrous Hypothyroidism
- Statural Growth in 31 Japanese Patients with SHOX Haploinsufficiency : Support for a Disadvantageous Effect of Gonadal Estrogens
- Height Responses in Complete ldiopathic Growth Hormone Deficient Children Less Than Three Years of Age during Growth Hormone Therapy
- Growth-Promoting and Psychological Effects of High-Dose Growth Hormone Treatment in Children with Intrauterine Growth Retardation
- Follow-Up Study of Children with Precocious Puberty Treated with Cyproterone Acetate
- Spontaneous Growth in Hormone-Treated Short Children