国立循環器病センター病理部 | 論文
- 98) 特発性拡張型心筋症様病態を呈し, その原因が川崎病と考えられた心不全の1例(日本循環器学会 第91回近畿地方会)
- ミトコンドリア遺伝子異常による心筋症の1例: 各画像診断法による病態評価
- CD44 is a Factor Involved in the Formation of Plexiform Lesions in Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension(Pulmonary Circulation 1 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 輸血製剤の手術室管理 (特集 手術部内での薬剤・血液製剤の管理は万全か?)
- Acute coronary syndromeの概念,病態と治療
- PDI-8 重症心不全に対する補助人工心臓と左室縮小術の適応
- 2 Pathogenetic Perceptions of Acute Coronary Syndrome Insights into Plaque Rupture, Plaque Erosion and Coronary Thrombosis in Japanese(Plenary Session 1 (PL1) (IHD) : ACS : Prevention to Treatment)(Special Program)
- Adrenomedullin Infusion during Ischemia/ Reperfusion Attenuates Left Ventricular Remodeling and Myocardial Fibrosis in Rats
- A Possible Role of Adrenomedullin as a Cell-Survival Mediator in Rat Coronary Ligation Model : The Association of Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase/Akt Signal
- Histopathological Study of Aortic Valve during 25 Year Period : A Close Relationship between the Atheromatous Lesion and Calcification
- Cardioprotective effect of adrenomedullin against ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats
- Clinicopathological study of sudden unexpected death of autopsied cases
- Coronary atherosclerosis and interventions : Pathological sequences and restenosis
- 特発性心筋症患者での超音波心筋組織性状の評価に Second harmonic imaging は有用か? : 心筋生検組織所見との対比
- 0082 心房細動例での左心耳内血栓形成部位は脳塞栓症の発症に関連するか?
- P731 超音波心筋組織性状指標は肥大型心筋症での心筋病理組織所見をどこまで推測できるか?
- 0056 拡張型心筋症において超音波心筋組織性状指標は病理組織学的重傷度を反映するか?
- Two cases of mesothelial/monocytic incidental cardiac excrescences of the heart
- Differences in Left Ventricular Response Between Rheumatic and Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease Following Mitral Valve Replacement
- Recurrent Incompetence of Repaired Floppy Mitral Valves and the Severity of Myxomatous Degeneration