国立医薬品食品衛生研究所 病理 | 論文
- O-15 Gene expression profiling in the microdissected hypothalamic medial preoptic area of rat neonates exposed perinatally to ethinylestradiol : a dose-response study(ENDOCRINE SYSTEM/DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION/CARCINOGENICITY/TOXICOGENOMICS)(GENERAL SE
- Global DNA hypomethylation suppresses squamous carcinogenesis in the tongue and esophagus
- 1,2-Dehydrolactarolide A, a New Plant Growth Regulatory Lactarane Sesquiterpene from Lactarius vellereus
- Repraesentins D, E and F, New Plant Growth Promoters from Lactarius repraesentaneus
- Myrsinoic Acid E, an Anti-inflammatory Compound from Myrsine seguinii(Organic Chemistry)
- New Plant Growth Promoters, Repraesentins A, B and C, from Lactarius repraesentaneus(Organic Chemistry)
- Daedalin A, a Metabolite of Daedalea dickinsii, Inhibits Melanin Synthesis in an in Vitro Human Skin Model
- A Tyrosinase Inhibitor, Daedalin A, from Mycelial Culture of Daedalea dickinsii
- Toxic effects of a horseradish extract and allyl isothiocyanate in the urinary bladder after 13-week administration in drinking water to F344 rats
- F344ラットにおけるホウセンカ抽出物の13週間亜慢性毒性試験