国立予防衛生研究所結核部 | 論文
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- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Present Status of Tuberculosis in the Inhab itants of Tokunoshima-Town:3rd Report: Results of bacteriological examination
- Phage Typing of Slow Glowing Mycobacteria.
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- Tuberculin Reaction by PPD-s and OT in Different Age Groups.
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- Growth-Inhibition Phenomenon by Glucose in Relation to the Virulence of Tubercle Bacilli.
- Studies on the Antituberculous Activity of the Derivatives of Cinnamic Acid Hydrazide
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- タイトル無し
- The in Vitro Effect of Antituberculous Agents in Relation to the Exposure Time on Ogawa Gly cerol Egg Medium.
- In Vitro Activity of Antituberculous Agents in Relation to Ventilation in Culture Medium.
- Treatment of Experimental Tuberculosis of Guinea Pigs with 4, 4'-Diisoamyloxythiocarbanilide (Isoxyl ®).
- タイトル無し
- 肺結核症におけるNK細胞活性の検討
- O-Aminophenol-Azo-TuberculumとOld-Tuberculinとの比較研究(3)-人体の皮内反応による青山B-OTとBCG-AzoTとの比較
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し