名古屋大学工学研究科マテリアル理工学専攻 | 論文
- Isotope Separation of H_2-HD Gas Mixture with "Cryogenic-Wall" Thermal Diffusion Column with a Heated Tube
- Dissolution Behavior of Uranium Oxides with Supercritical CO_2 Using HNO_3-TBP Complex as a Reactant
- Isotopic Approximations to Thermal Diffusion Factor and Ordinary Diffusion Coefficient in a Mixture of More than 4 Components
- New Method for the Removal of Uranium from Solid Wastes with Supercritical CO_2 Medium Containing HNO_3-TBP Complex
- Estimation of Hot Wire Temperature of Thermal Diffusion Column by the Pressure Change after Turning on Electricity
- Effect of Cold Wall Temperature of Thermal Diffusion Column on ^N^N-^N_2 Isotope Separation
- [ポスター6]変分モンテカルロ法による異方的三角格子ハバード模型の計算(異方的超伝導現象の統一的理解を目指して,京都大学基礎物理学研究所 研究会,研究会報告)
- 水素同位体分離研究の現状
- Electrochemical Studies on Uranium in Presence of Organic Acids
- Sorption of Eu(III) on Pseudomonas fluorescens in the Presence of Citric Acid
- Hydrogen Extraction Characteristics of Proton-conducting Ceramics under a Wet Air Atmosphere for a Tritium Stack Monitor
- Effect of Plated Platinum Electrode on Hydrogen Extraction Performance Using CaZrO_3-based Proton-Conducting Ceramic for Tritium Recovery System
- Hydrogen Extraction Using One-end Closed Tube Made of CaZrO_3-based Proton-conducting Ceramic for Tritium Recovery System
- 核エネルギーは未来への夢を与えられるか
- 熱拡散法による同位体分離の最近の進歩
- 熱延鋼板の熱間仕上連続圧延における圧延オペレータ支援システムの開発