名古屋大学多元数理科学研究科 | 論文
- Resolutions of determinantal ideals, t-minors of (t+2) × (t+2)-matrices(Combinatorial Theory and Related Topics : Mutual Relation among Commutative Algebra,Algebraic Geometry,Representation Theory of Lie Algebras and Partially Ordered Sets)
- Proper subanalytic transformation groups and unique triangulation of the orbit spaces(Topology and Transformation Groups)
- On some generalization of the weighted Strichartz estimates for the wave equation and self-similar solutions to nonlinear wave equations (Harmonic Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations)
- A型対称Jackson積分の接続行列と Riemann-Hilbert問題(超幾何函数の総合的理解)
- White Noise Analysis Based on the Levy Laplacian (Infinite Dimensional Analysis and Quantum Probability Theory)
- 空間分割による医療画像の評価
- Hierarchical model and triviality of $\phi^4_4$ (Applications of Renormalization Group Methods in Mathematical Sciences)
- 20世紀の予想--構成的場の量子論
- 擬代数的極小曲面のガウス写像(部分多様体の微分幾何学)
- A remark on global solutions to nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with a special quadratic nonlinearity in two space dimensions (Harmonic Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations)
- Weighted Strichartz estimates and existence of self-similar solutions for semilinear wave equations (Tosio Kato's Method and Principle for Evolution Equations in Mathematical Physics)
- Scattering problem for nonlinear Schrodinger and Hartree equations (Tosio Kato's Method and Principle for Evolution Equations in Mathematical Physics)
- On solutions of the wave equation with homogeneous Caushy data (Harmonic Analysis and Nonlinear P.D.E.)
- 分散型方程式における非線形共鳴の制御(偏微分方程式に対する境界値問題)
- On the limit from Zakharov systems to nonlinear Schrodinger equations (Studies on nonlinear waves and dispersive equations)
- PATHS, TABLEAUX, AND $q$-CHARACTERS OF QUANTUM AFFINE ALGEBRAS (Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory and their Applications)
- 臨床実習における小児期アセスメントツールと看護診断の使用状況 : ツール導入2年目の変化と看護診断基礎教育の必要性
- 臨床実習へのアセスメントツール導入の試み : 質問紙調査及びアセスメントツール記録の分析結果第1報
- 重心動揺の統計的解析
- 紀伊半島中央部,奈良県中奥地域にみられる中新世岩脈の古地磁気と岩石磁気