名古屋大・環境医学研究所 | 論文
- 新たに発見された遺伝的失調性歩行を伴う突然変異マウス,Joggle
- 〈SHORT REPORTS〉Immunohistological Distribution of Myosin-VA in
- 高エネルギー重粒子線とエックス線のラット大脳発生に及ぼす影響の比較
- Spatial and Intracellular Distribution of the Endogenous Calcineurin-Inhibitory Proteins, ZAKI-4, in Mouse Brain
- P3-35 Localization of a calcineurin inhibitory protein, ZAKI-4 α and β, in the mouse brain
- Histological Characteristics of the Pelage Skin of Rough fur Mice (C3H/HeJ-ruf/ruf)
- Disturbed Purkinje Cell Migration Due to Reduced Expression of Reelin in the Rat Cerebellum Caused by Prenatal Exposure to X-radiation
- Hydrocephalus in Mice Induced by Prenatal Exposure to X-radiation
- Disturbed Purkinje Cell Migration Due to Reduced Expression of Reelin by X-Irradiation in Developing Rat Cerebellum
- Hydrocephalus Following Exposure to X-irradiation at Early Gestation Stage in Mice
- Hydrocephalus in Mice Following X-irradiation at Early Gestational Stage : Possibly Due to Persistent Deceleration of Cell Proliferation
- Congenital Hydrocephalus Caused by Exposure to Low Level X-radiation at Early Gestational Stage in Mice
- 宇宙の微小重力における魚の行動順応
- Folic Acid Prevents Congenital Malformations in the Offspring of Diabetic Mice
- Prevention of Demyelination Induced by Rapid correction of Hyponatremia in Mice
- Decreased Reelin Expression Causes Ectopic Purkinje Cells o f the Cerebellum Following Prenatal Exuosure to X-radiation
- Antigen Retrieval of Bromodeoxyuridine by the Combination of Microwaves and Protease in Immunohistochemistry
- 前後方向の直線運動による自己運動知覚 : 位置知覚の定量的評価
- 270. 下垂体前葉におよぼすestrogenの作用 : PRLmRNA,poly(ADP-ribose),DNA合成の変化 : 第45群 内分泌 IX (269〜274)
- 176.妊娠各期胎盤における蛋白合成能の変化 : messenger RNAを用いた無細胞翻訳系による検討 : 第30群 内分泌-臨床 VI (175〜180)