千葉大学皮膚科学教室 | 論文
- A comparison of the preoperative CT and histological images in malignant skin tumors.
- 悪性黒色腫の全治療, 経過, 予後について
- アポクリン腺癌-腋窩アポクリン腺癌の1例-
- 右大腿骨に転移を認めた隆起性皮膚線維肉腫の1例
- Syringocarcinoma.syringocarcinoma.Case report and summary of the cases.
- 2 cases of melanoma under nail plate with reconstruction of pollicization surgery.
- Lower eyelid reconstruction by auricular cartilage.A case reconstructed in auricular cartilage transplantation in lower eyelid division basal cell carcinoma.
- タイトル無し