北海道大学歯学部口腔外科学第1講座 | 論文
- Surgical closure of maxillary defect following hemimaxilloectomy. Compared with pre and postoperative oral function and denture retention.:Compared with pre and postoperative oral function and denture retention
- The CO2 laser surgery in hemangioma of oral and maxillofacial regions.
- Marginal resection of the mandible for carcinoma of the floor of the mouth.
- A trial to disclose the relations between parotid gland tumors and facial nerves - A method making use of a myomonitor.:a method making use of a myomonitor
- Peripheral T-cell malignant lymphoma in oral cavity: Report of a case.
- 上顎癌の治療と予後について
- The treatment and prognosis of recurrent squamous cell carcinomas of the tongue.
- 上顎歯肉癌T4症例と上顎洞癌T2症例の臨床的比較検討
- Retrospective study on the osteoradionecrosis of our department. The relation between methods of irradiation and degree of disease.:The relation between methods of irradiation and degree of diseast
- 下顎筋突起部の骨軟骨腫-自験例と文献的考察-
- 顎関節の経頭蓋撮影法に関する基礎的研究
- 唾液腺疾患における唾液腺シンチグラフィーの解析-唾液分泌量と time/activity curve の関係を中心に-
- Experience of oral surgery in a patient with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP): Report of a case.
- A case of multiple fibroepithelial hyperplasias of the oral mucosa.
- 抗PCNA抗体を用いた下扁平上皮癌の免疫組織学的検討
- 抗癌剤による腫瘍関連抗原の shedding 抑制と機序解析
- Relationship of histopathological findings of salivary glands to clinical and sialographical findings in Sjoegren's syndrome.
- A case of renal osteodystrophy with obvious teeth roots resorption.
- 先天性頬部唾液瘻の1症例