北海道大学医学部解剖学第三講座 | 論文
- 骨-腱接合部における膠原線維再構築の検討 : 犬腱板モデルを用いた組織修復過程について
- チャイニーズ・ハムスターにおける卵黄嚢腫瘍の誘発とその細胞遺伝学的検討
- 135 原子間力顕微鏡(Atomic Force Microscope)を用いた肺腺癌培養細胞(A549)の観察
- 1. 骨芽細胞は骨基質膠原線維走行に関連する
- DXA法を用いた北大式踵骨骨塩定量1,000例のまとめ : 踵骨は測定部位として本当に適しているか?
- Apoptosis of Mouse Pancreatic Acinar Cells after Duct Ligation
- 脊椎硬直症候群(rigid spine syndrome)の1剖検例
- DXAによる小児の骨密度評価 : 骨密度減少をどのように捉えるか
- Detection of Mineral Density on the Surface of Mouse Parietal Bones : Backscattered Electron Imaging of Low Accelerating Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy
- A Histological Study of the Cardiac Muscle of the Human Superior and Inferior Venae Cavae
- Porosity of the Epithelial Basement Membrane as an Indicator of Macrophage-Enterocyte Interaction in the Intestinal Mucosa
- Fine Structure of Hydrous Chromosomes Observed by Low Vacuum Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Developmental Changes in the Structure of the Rat Fetal Lung, with Special Reference to the Airway Smooth Muscle and Vasculature
- The Presence of Specialized Epithelial Cells on the Bronchus-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (BALT) in the Mouse
- Cathodoluminescence imaging for identifying uptaken fluorescence materials in Kupffer cells using scanning electron microscopy
- Cathodoluminescence investigation of organic materials
- Low-voltage backscattered electron imaging of non-coated biological samples in a low-vacuum environment using a variable-pressure scanning electron microscope with a YAG-detector
- Direct Observation of t-Butyl Alcohol Frozen and Sublimated Samples Using Low-Vacuum Scanning Electron Microscopy
- 感覚神経終末グリア網におけるCa^波伝播の二重様式
- 知覚終末シュワン細胞のプリン作動性信号系