北海道大学医学部産婦人科学講座 | 論文
- 妊娠高血圧症の遺伝的素因に関する症例対照研究 : 日本人女性におけるアンジオテンシノーゲン遺伝子多型の関連
- ヒト絨毛癌細胞の形質におけるras遺伝子の意義
- Vaginal and Cervical pH in Bacterial Vaginosis and Cervicitis during Pregnancy
- 子宮頚部腺癌における細胞診偽陰性例の再検討
- 女性性腺:成熟期〜中高年:性ホルモンに関わる遺伝子多型の検討 (第9回性差医学研究会) -- (テーマ特集:性差におけるagingと性差)
- 158.子宮体癌の集検についての基礎的検討(第35群 婦人科(体癌(1)), 一般演題, 第24回日本臨床細胞学会総会)
- 101. 過去9年間の室蘭市周辺における子宮頸癌集検の成績(第23群 : 婦人科, 示説, 第23回日本臨床細胞学会秋季大会記事)
- ヒトAEG(acidic epididymal glycoprotein)様分子の解析 : cDNAクローニングと組織局在
- 排卵期卵巣に対するインターロイキンー2ならびにインターロイキンー6の作用
- An Immunohistochemical Detection of Actin and Myosin in the Indigenous Bacteria-Adhering Sites of Microvillous Columnar Epithelial Cells in Peyer's Patches and Intestinal Villi in the Rat Jejunoileum(Anatomy)
- Familial 15p tetrasomy due to supernumerary marker 15 chromosome associated with Robertsonian translocation between chromosomes 13 and 14
- Morphological Aspects of Ectopia Cordis : Four Case Reports and a Review of the Literature
- Cytogenetic study on uterine leiomyoma(Abstracts of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- Molecular genetic study on sex determination, differentiation and sexual differentiation anomaly(Abstracts of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- Molecular and cytogenetic prenatal identification of supernumerary marker chromosomes (SMCs)(Abstracts of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- Chromosomal Analysis in 894 Induced Abortuses from Women of Advanced Maternal Age in Relation to Gestational Weeks and Fetal Sex Ratio
- 子宮体癌の内分泌療法 (今月の臨床 婦人科内分泌療法--病態の理解と正しい診断に基づく対処・治療のポイント) -- (腫瘍・類腫瘍)
- Silent Premature Rupture of Membranes, Detected and Monitored Serially by an AFP Kit
- Comparison of an Improved AFP Kit with the Intra-Amniotic PSP Dye-Injection Method in Equivocal Cases of Preterm Premature Rupture of the Fetal Membranes
- Cytokines Concentrations in the Cervical Mucus of Pregnant Women