信州大学医学部病態解析診断学 | 論文
- Study on Immunological determination of Retinol-binding protein in biological fluids
- Retinol-binding Protein Levels in Blood and Urine from Patients with "Itai-Itai" Disease: Pathological Mechanism for its Increased Excretion
- Fine Structure of the Lung Granuloma in Patients with Sarcoidosis-Changes of the Capillary Vessels in the Cases with Early Stage of Granuloma
- Histochemical study of type II pneumocyte in sarcoidosis
- An On-line Data Processing and Control System for a Multi-channel:Automatic Analyzer (SMA12/60).
- PCPS(経皮的心肺補助装置)により安全にステント留置できた症例
- 臨床で利用しやすい検査結果を提供しよう