京都大学 公衆衛 | 論文
- D202 K府内事務所における分煙状況(健康教育・ヘルスプロモーション2,一般演題:口演,地方の時代の産業保健,第79回日本産業衛生学会)
- 企業における喫煙対策の実状
- 京都大学大学院医学研究科社会健康医学系専攻について (特集 大学の公衆衛生教育)
- Nutritional Evaluation of Women in Urban Areas in Continental China
- Nutritional Evaluation of Chinese Working Women in the City of Tainan, Taiwan
- Nutritional Evaluation of Women in Urban and Rural Areas in Korea as Studied by Total Food Duplicate Method
- Shift in Sodium Chloride Sources in Past 10 Years of Salt Reduction Campaign in Japan
- Nutritional Evaluation of Working Malay Women in Kuala Lumpur as Studied by Total Food Duplicate Method
- Chronological Changes and Inter-Regional Differences in Dietary Fiber Intakes among Middle-Aged Japanese Women
- Dietary Intake of Water-Soluble, Water-Insoluble and Total Fiber by General Japanese Populations at Middle Ages
- Past, present, and future of environmental specimen banks
- 国は健康政策をどうすすめるのか (特集 新しい健康観)
- Disappearance of Differences in Nutrient Intake Across Two Local Cultures in Japan : A Comparison between Tokyo and Kyoto
- Absence of Mutagenicity in Peripheral Lymphocytes of Workers Occupationally Exposed to Methyl Methacrylate
- 高校生の喫煙実態
- わが国における高齢者保健福祉の展望 (特集 高齢者介護支援(ケアマネジメント))