京都大学医学部放射能基礎医学教室 | 論文
- Changes in Radiation Sensitivity of Human Osteosarcoma Cells after p53 Introduction
- Enhanccd expression of 13-galactosidase gene by cxtrcmely low frequency magnetic field in PCVG cells.
- Introduction of Wild-Type p53 Gene in Human Osteosarcomna Cells (II) The Analysis on Radiosensitization
- Introduction of wild-type p53 gene in human osteosarcoma cells. (I) The sensitivity of cells to radiation and chemical DNA-damaging agents.
- Comparative Studies on Protective Effect of Various Sulfhydryl Compounds Against Cell Death and DNA Strand Breaks Induced by X-Ravs in Cultured Mouse L Cells
- A Comparative Study on the Restoration of Radiation-Induced Damage in Mice and in Cultured Mouse L Cells
- Radiobiological Studies on Cultured Mouse Bone Marrow Cells in vitro
- 受精卵における染色体異常の成因:放射線と薬物 : 配偶子における染色体異常の成因
- 低線量・低線量率放射線の生物影響に欠かせない異分野の協力
- Effects of X-Irradiation on Leakage of Phosphate Ions from Ghosts of Rabbit Reb Blood Cells
- 赤血球ゴーストからの^Pのリークに及ぼすNa, Kイオンの影響(生理・内分泌)
- 赤血球ゴーストにおける能動輸送に対する放射線の影響
- A Newly Designed Experimental System for Exposure of Mammalian Cells to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields
- Protective and Sensitizing Effects of D_2O Treatment on Thermal Responses of Chinese Hamster Cells
- Construction of LacSwitch-Inducible p21 (sdi1/waf1/cip1) Expressing Clones.
- Inhibition of X-ray and Doxorubicin-induced Apoptosis by Butyrolactone I, a CDK-specific Inhibitor, in Human Tumor Cells
- Suppression of Apoptosis by Inhibition of Cyclin Dependent Kinases.
- Inhibition of X-ray or butyrolactone I-induced apoptosis by a CDK-specific inhibitor butyrolactone I.
- Requirement of CDK-binding Activity of p21WAF1/CIP1/SDI1 for Prevention of Apoptosis in Human Coloiectal Carcinoma Cell.
- 性染色体モザイクと表現型 : XO/XYの2症例を中心に