京都外国語大学英米語学科研究会 | 論文
- Notes on the development of the vowel system in English (2)
- The Development of the Vowel System in Early Modern English : With Special Reference to the Pronunciation o Tyndale and Shakespeare (2)
- Notes on the Development of the Vowel System in English (10) - 1
- Notes on the development of the Vowel System in English (9)-2
- Locative alternation : a study of event delimiter
- Prepositional object construction
- 米国政府のパブリック・ディプロマシー 1953〜2003 : 日米のより良き相互理解をめざして
- より良き国際コミュニケーションへの道を探る
- 国際コミュニケーションと日本人 : 実践的研究に基づいて
- Bidding Farewell to the Dead : Characters and Conflicts in Narayan's "A Shadow"
- The butt of satire and irony in Mansfield's "Taking the Veil"
- Teaching Peace Studies at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies : A History-Based Approach
- 穴構文の意味と構造 : 映画の用例からの応用言語学的アプローチ
- An attempt to put more "training" into a teacher training curriculum
- Notes on the development of the vowel system in English (8)
- Notes on the development of the vowel system in English (5)
- Notes on the development of the vowel system in English (6)
- A Biographical Survey of Lady Jane Francesca Wilde (1821-1896)
- "Community Publishing" for online, interactive newspapers
- St. Mawrと創造的生