九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
- 板材乾燥に關する解析的研究(三、利用)
- 立枯病に罹れる豌豆の蒸散作用に關するLINFORD氏所論に對する異見 (昭和八年四月總會講演要旨)
- 麥類幼植物の葉の分化に關する研究(摘要)
- Oecological studies on the differentiation in crop-plants:I. Accounts on earing in rice plants of the Asahi-strain
- New linkage relations in rice.
- 西洋梨の染色體數につきて (豫報)
- タイトル無し
- Studies on the geographical differentiation of characters in cultivated rice:I. Studies on the behaviours of germination
- Genecological studies on the wild barnyard grass in the lowland rice field:II. The variation of the shooting time and other plant characters of the barnyard grass collected in the Hukuoka prefecture
- Cyto-ecological studies on rice, Oryza sativa L.
- On the Chromosome Number of Brassica juncea and B. napus, on the Hybrid Between the Two, and an Offspring Line of the Hybrid
- Apparent Crossing Over in the Female of Bombyx mori