九州大学 農 | 論文
- Comparative Studies of Food Habits and Digestive Tracts in Two Apodemus Species
- A New Mole from Uotsuri-jima,the Ryukyu Islands
- Reproductive Biology of the Formosan Wood Mouse.Apodemus semotus
- Accumulation, Digestion and Excretion of Bloodmeal Protein during Feeding in Nymphal Haemaphysalis longicornis
- Gliding Flight in the Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel Petaurista leucogenys
- 有明海北部沿岸におけるシギ・チドリ類の食性と底生動物相との関係(生態学)
- Age determination in the Smith's red-backed vole, Eothenomys smithii, using optic lens weight
- ハタネズミの飼育実験(生態学)
- 九州産カヤネズミの営巣習性
- Effect of Dietary Polyunsaturated Phospholipid on the Chemical Compostition of Serum Lipoproteins in Rat
- Effect of Dietary Polyunsaturated Phospholipid on the Chemical Composition of Mesenteric Lymph Chylomicrons and the Excretion of Steroids into Bile and Feces in Rat
- 界面活性剤を利用したナノカプセルによる薬物運搬体および遺伝子導入体の開発(講座:良くわかる界面化学3)
- Effects of β-Sitosterol on the Concentrations of Serum and Liver Cholesterol and Serum Apolipoproteins in Rats Fed Butter Fat