九州大学 農 | 論文
- 飼育スミスネズミEothenomys smithiの出生後における外部形質の変化と初期成長(行動・生態学)
- Microhabitat segregation between Apodemus argenteus and A.speciosus in northern Kyushu
- Digestion of Bloodmeal Protein after Detachment in Nymphal Haemaphysalis longicomis
- Seasonal Fluctuations of Populations and Effects of Temperatures on Development and Growth in the Tick, Haemaphysalis flava
- Ticks from Wild Mammals in the Kyushu District Including Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
- Studies on Seasonal Fluctuations of Populations and Overwintering in the Cattle Tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis
- Postnatal Growth and Development of the Formosan Wood Mouse Apodemus semotus
- 近交系マウス2系統(C57BL/10,DBA/2)における子の成長に伴う母子間関係の変化
- ネズミ類の生活
- 再び九州産カヤネズミの出産期について
- 筑後川河原(久留米市)に生息するハタネズミの生態-1-性比,娠妊期,胎児数
- アスコルビン酸によるDNA切断に対する二三のラジカル補捉剤の影響
- Home Range and Microchabitat Utilization in the Formosan Wood Mouse,Apodemus semotus
- Postnatal growth, development and ultrasonic vocalization, of young Japanese field voles, Microtus montebelli
- オ-ストラリアにおけるカンガル-産業
- 市販蔬菜・果実の加熱処理液汁のDNA切断活性
- Acquisition of Homeothermy in the Black-eared Kite, Milvus migrans lineatus
- Food Habits of the Black-eared Kite,Milvus migrans lineatus,in Nagasaki Airport and Its Adjacent Areas
- 必須脂肪酸
- Demography of the Formosan Wood Mouse,Apodemus semotus